2016-01-20 18585



This standard just specifies emphasison operating safety & maintaining CNC.



This standard applies to all CNCin factories.


  1. 作业员工必须经过专业训练并通过考核,方可独立操作设备。

    CNC operator must be trained andcertified before independently operation

  2. 作业员工应穿工作服。不得穿拖鞋或长发外露进行作业。

    Operator should wear work clothes.Informal shoes or long hair without protection is forbidden.

  3. 检查设备作业台面是否干净。若否,则应先清洁作业台面。

    Check if operation platform cleanin CNC. If not, please clean the platform firstly.

  4. 设备启动,待预热、稳定后再对设备进行操作;操作前检查压力表、操作面板开关、指示灯、润滑系统及安全装置是否正常,设备有无异常声音;设备正常方可操作。

    CNC should pre-heat and go into astable status firstly after starting, then operator need to check signal, lubrication,safety setup, etc. Finally, operator is to operate the machine.

四、操作程序 Operation

  1. 安装或更换好相应刀具,刀具装夹需定位准确。

    Setup or change the jigs. This step, the jigsfixing should be accurate.

  2. 上工件时应检查工件基准,确保与装夹图一致。

    Setup the part onto CNC, the setupreference base should be consistent with drawing.

  3. 程序加工前,再次确认工件、刀具是否夹紧;程序是否有误;刀具是否与程序内的刀具一致。

    Double check if part and jigs aresetup well before programming machining. And check if programming any mistake,if jigs are same between programming and actual use.

  4. 锁紧防护门罩后,进行程序自动加工,加工时一定注意第一刀,对下刀位置、切削量及分中位置是否正确进行综合检查;监控机床运行是否正常。

    After closing CNC door, themachine starts to automatically running. Pay attention to beginning activitiesfrom jig, such as position & machining volume, etc. Monitor if machinerunning well.

  5. 机床自动运行时不得随意触碰任何按钮,不能打开安全门进入设备内部。

    It’s not permitted to touch anybutton when machining automatically running. Also, it’s not permitted to entermachine inner in this moment.

  6. 自动运行状态中机器被紧急停止时,在确认故障代码的同时,请不要不经意地靠近机器的可动部分,由于行程开关的动作不良等,可能会再起动,非常危险。

    When machine stopped in emergency,don’t get close to moveable mechanism, this is very dangerous.  

  7. 机床运行时,禁止在设备内检查工件、清除切屑、测量数据、调整工件。

    It’s not permitted to entermachine when machine running.

  8. 仅允许在停机状态下进入设备内部清除切屑、测量数据等操作。

    Only when machine is fully shutdown, operator is permitted to clean or make measurement in CNC.

  9. 加工结束后,应关闭控制系统以及关闭气源后方可关闭电源。

    When machining ended, close thecontrol system firstly, then shut down power.

  10. 确保设备区域的清洁,并定期对设备进行保养。

    Make sure machine area’s cleaning,and maintain the machine on time.


  1. 进行保养时,首先应关闭机床总电源,再全面检查机床的安全装置。如:自动刀具夹紧装置、自动工作台交换装置、各方向限位开关、停车制动机构和地线牢固连接等;

    When maintenance, shut down powerfirstly, then check the safety mechanism, such as fixing, exchanging, limit,stop devices.

  2. 清洗主轴冷却器滤网,擦洗主轴,确保主轴表面和锥孔无铁屑、无油污、无锈渍,表面光亮油膜均匀;

    Cleaning main axis, filter, etc.make sure there are no dust/scraps/rust on devices.

  3. 自动润滑系统严格按润滑五定(定点、定质、定量、定时、定人)换油或加油。

    Strictly lubricate the systemaccording to right place, right quality, right quantity, right time, and rightpeople.

六、相关文件(Related Documents



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