2016-01-20 41557
To walk, where there is no path, this is Faith 在没有路的地方行走,这是信仰 To breathe where there is no air, this is Faith 在没有空气的地方呼吸,这是信仰 To see where there is no light, this is Faith 在没有光的地方看见,这是信仰 To teach where no one hears, this is Faith 在没有人听的地方去教导,这是信仰 To hear when there is no sound, this is Faith 当没有声音时去聆听,这是信仰 To pray when there is no voice, this is Faith 当听不到回应时去祈祷,这是信仰 To sing when there is no song, this is Faith 当没有歌曲时去歌唱,这是信仰 To love when others hate, this is Faith 当他人恨时你去爱,这是信仰 There is a fierce love in my heart 那热烈的爱在我心中 A savage love that cries and beats me down, I rise again with a love that never dies 那激烈的爱在哭喊,把我击倒,我带着那永不磨灭的爱,再一次站起来 To hold rocks and stones and see jewels 拿着石头,却看见的是珍宝 To plant seed after seed in the sand and know it will grow, this is Faith 在沙地里一次又一次的播下种子,知道它会成长,这是信仰 To hope when hope is lost, this is Faith 当所有人迷失时仍有希望,这是信仰 I believe in miracles, spiritual miracles 我相信奇迹,灵性的奇迹
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